This unique IMS Awareness and Auditor Training Kit is designed to provide awareness and auditor training to personnel of any organization who want to implement or have implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS) based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. This time and cost-saving training kit is developed by a team of expert trainers and consultants having rich experience of system implementation, training and auditing of quality management systems, environmental management systems and Occupational Health & Safety management systems. The IMS ppt presentations and other training materials of this course, as detailed in the Contents given below, are intended towards those companies who want to have one comprehensive management system covering good Environment, Quality and Occupational Health & Safety as per ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. This IMS ppt presentation kit will help users in establishing IMS policy, objectives, process and action plans, conducting hazards identification and risk analysis as well as conducting internal audits of the integrated management system.
Contents of IMS Presentation Kit
The contents of the IMS Awareness and Auditor Training Kit include more than 510 editable slides with user guide and other document files, as listed below:
- IMS ppt presentations, which are categorized in following 13 modules:
- Overview of IMS
- QMS Principles
- ISO 9001:2015 Requirements
- ISO 14001:2015 Requirements
- ISO 45001:2018 Requirements
- Environmental, Quality & OH&S Management System Internal Audit
- Steps for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 Internal Audit
- Verification Matrix
- Accident Investigation System
- Hazard / Risk Identification
- IMS Documented Information
- OH&S Objectives, Targets and OH&S Management Plan
- Awareness on ISO 45001:2018 – for Vendors and Suppliers.
- A trainer's guide and handouts in editable form to understand IMS subject well.
- Workshops and case studies to evaluate effectiveness of IMS training.
- A question bank of over 1500 audit checklists.
- A sample copy of risk templates.
- A sample copy of IMS awareness certificate.
Download Free Demo of IMS presentation kit on awareness and auditor training to get a full idea of our package.
Benefits of Purchasing IMS PPT Presentation Kit
By using our highly informative IMS presentation slides on system awareness and auditor training based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, you can save a lot of your precious time while preparing the IMS training course materials for your in-house training programs. IMS consultants can also get benefitted from this kit when planning and delivering IMS awareness and auditor training to the personnel of their client organizations. Some of the key advantages of using this IMS ppt are as below:
- The entire training material is created under the guidance of experts having rich experience of consulting, training and auditing of integrated management system, and hence, provides a practical approach to train personnel for IMS awareness and internal audit.
- It is an easy-to-learn and user-friendly kit complying with training requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.
- Soft copies of IMS ppt presentations and handouts are given, which saves your time and cost of creating own training materials.
- You can easily customize the training IMS ppt slides and also add audio in the local language for better understanding of the topics.
- You can conveniently train your employees in-house with IMS presentation training or by online training.
- This training kit will also help your company’s personnel in IMS registration and surveillance audits.
- The IMS presentation kit takes care of all the sections and sub-sections of IMS standards. It is helpful in training of both contractors and vendors.
- The IMS presentation material is aimed at strengthening the organization by system establishment and providing best training materials for IMS to shape your organization in a proper manner.