We offer various Exemplar Global certified E-learning courses for online certification on management system awareness, implementer, auditors, and instruments calibration Engineers as well as the latest management topics. Out of four modes of delivering training, E-learning is the most popular and significant way to deliver online training because of its easy-to-learn, anywhere-anytime feature. After passing the exams we provide the training certificate to the students and anyone can verify the certificate online to know the authenticity/validity of the training certificate.
All such courses are prepared under the guidance of experienced consultants and trainers. The Courses are completely covered through reference materials to read, ppt and video presentation to learn about the subject, real-time case studies and session exams as well as final exams to evaluate your learning and ensure the effectiveness of training. The study materials are given to students, which they can read or print and save for future reference.
We offer various virtual courses on quality, health safety, accreditation, food safety, IT sercurity, etc. more than 50 management systems as well as Certified Calibration Engineer. Our course contains video sessions and/or E-learning training sessions, handouts, and knowledge test(exams). After the students attend the online videos and training sessions and go through handouts, users can appear for short questionnaires for the knowledge test for each session as well as the final exam paper. The training materials are given to students which they can refer, to solve the questions. The course is accessible till the user clears the final exam and he/she will have maximum 60 days time. The handouts given in the course can be download/print for future reference. After evaluation of this online knowledge test, we authorize the successful users to download a certificate with his/her name.
If a company wants to buy our online courses for more than three participants, then we give a group discount. In such a case, the company can also track how many participants have passed the exam, and know the status of completion of the course by individual participants.
We provide results-driven training you need, when and where you need it, and at a price that's cost-effective for you and your organization. Work with Punyam Academy Corporate Business to assess and identify your employees' knowledge requirements and skills gaps. From there, we'll build a course program aimed at fulfilling those specific needs.
Punyam Academy's on-site training is customizable for any industry. Courses cover more than 100 topics, including those listed below:
As per user needs, we prepare auditor or lead auditor training materials on any management system. Such training materials include ppt presentation slides, study material, workshops, case studies, and quiz. For IRCA course preparation or any of such outsourced requirements, e-mail us or send a request.