The Food Safety Trainer – online certification course will help food safety trainers to gain knowledge and understanding about introduction to food safety management system, basic knowledge to achieve food safety in any organization, various food safety hazards, food safety culture development and assessment techniques, etc. These all subjects will be useful for food safety trainer to provide information to their students or staffs of any organizations, such as food processing/manufacturing companies, eateries, food stores. The course also covers the introduction of the topic to the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitization practices, personal hygiene practices as well as allergens management control and pest control for maintaining a safe work environment. For the food safety trainer, it is very mandatory and important to create to learn how to establish effective food safety culture and know the topics mentioned above in detail. This Exemplar Global certified online training course on food safety trainer takes care of all of them. The participants/users can learn at their own convenience, as they can login to the system and can access the course anytime from their offices/workplace or comforts of their home and get certified.
This Certified Food Safety Trainer - online certification course contains video tutorials recorded by experienced food safety management system implementers, auditors and trainers. For better understanding of the topics, handouts in .pdf formats are also provided as an easy download. Following are the key sessions include in this online certification course.
Each of the above fourteen sessions consists of modules such as video tutorial/lectures, hand-outs and online exams as below:
The objectives of this online Food Safety Officer training course are to increase your knowledge and understanding of:
This food safety trainer – online certification course is for all those people who involved in training for staff of food safety organizations and want to gain knowledge about various aspects of design, maintenance and controls. This course will also help all those who are involved in food safety awareness training, food safety auditor training, food safety culture development training, etc.
In particular, this course is useful for:
There is no prerequisite for joining this course; however, the following will be helpful for better understanding and utilization of this course:
For details of the authors, trainers and instructors experience and background, please visit our trainers page. They have very rich experience on the subject.
This e-Learning course is provided with study materials and you can read it after your log in or download (PDF format). Use the study materials to reinforce key points and to keep a reminder of what you already learned as well as you can save it in your computer for future reference. The access of this study material is removed after exam is cleared and on line certificate is prepared for the student.
All paid E-learning course includes the Course Certificate that is issued upon course completion and passing the session exams as well as a final exam given in the course with minimum 60% marks. The option to reappear in the exam is also given to student, if failed in any exam.
After completing the session and passing each session examination the student can appear for final exam. Once the final exam is cleared then it is considered a end of course. The training certificate is ready on our LMS and student can print it or save the training certificate. It is also available for verification by entering the name and certificate number.